The Ancaster Horticultural Society — beautifying Ancaster for 64 years.

What we do

Image of Ancaster Horticultural Society - Blue Ruffle Iris

Top-Notch Speakers

Enjoy learning from expert speakers on a variety of horticultural and environmental topics. Share your gardening interest with other gardeners at our monthly meetings.

Next meeting:

Tues. February 18, 2025
7:30 pm
Ancaster Old Town Hall

“Modern Day Homesteading”
with Heidi Mungal
 How they make farming more self-sufficient & sustainable & educate others about improving  food nutrition.

An image of the Ancaster Horticultural Society's annual plant sale.

Annual Plant Sale

Our popular plant sale was held

Saturday May 18, 2024

Proceeds support our community programs. Thank you to all of our volunteers, donors and supporters.  See you next year!


An image of the Ancaster Horticultural Society's annual plant sale.
Image of Ancaster Horticultural Society - 2021 Heritage Award Winner - Ancaster Spa

Ancaster Trillium Awards

Beautifying Ancaster is our mission and 125 of the most beautiful nominated front gardens are chosen in residential and commercial categories each July.



An image of Ancaster Horticultural Society members working in a garden.

Community Gardening

Our volunteer garden crews plant and maintain three municipal garden areas plus the gardens at Fieldcote Memorial Park.

Fieldcote garden volunteers meet every Thursday 9:30 – 12 noon through the summer.

Join us — we have fun!

An image of Ancaster Horticultural Society members working in a garden.